Tuesday, October 9, 2012

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igh. specialized flesh cells very large transformation of the gene can be said this way to transform the flesh may be the most powerful on the planet has ever seen flesh.
Perfect evolution body modeled on the innate Dao on many aspects of the performance is far less than perfect evolution body. Example, Huaxiang, Xia Yuying not know cell slice him a number of times to study the course without telling Huaxiang do not know how is it, Huaxiang almost instinctive strong resistance to its own cells extracted Research Xia Yuying means of unsatisfying had to see no light means to extract the cells. therefore we often see in China Xiang, such as brushing teeth, bathing, often quietly collect water after he used his cell water inside course many Huaxiang find yourself do not know why, walked often let their hair is something clamped or hooking strands of After careful study, Xia Yuying found the the Huaxiang body cells completely and ordinary human cells genetically nothing abnormal phenomenon. Those cells are they can not afford the high temperature to low temperature stimulation of strong acids and bases, and whenever they expired. On the other hand,nike air max court ballistec 2.3, Huaxiang in the high-temperature test,nike air max 90 shoes, low temperature test, or even directly forced to drink a strong acid and alkali, highly toxic, no normal person should have the reaction his life is like a cockroach, no, tougher than cockroaches in all the tests, the performance of the Huaxiang far more powerful than the gene through the perfect evolution body beyond the many.

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